How to Choose the Right Prelit Christmas Tree for Your Home

Ah, the holiday season is upon us once more. The air is crisp, the streets are glowing with lights, and the unspoken competition for the best Christmas decorations has commenced. And what better centerpiece for your holiday decor than a beautiful pre-lit Christmas tree? As magical as it may seem, though, choosing the perfect pre-lit tree can be a bit overwhelming. With all the options out there, it’s important to consider a few key factors to ensure that your tree will suit your home, preferences, and needs. Here, we’ll take a closer look at how to choose the right pre-lit Christmas tree for your abode.

Size Matters

The first thing to consider when choosing a pre-lit tree is, of course, its size. You don’t want to end up with a tree that’s too big or too small for your home – after all, this is the centerpiece of your holiday decor! Even before you start browsing, take note of the ceiling height in the room where the tree will be placed. A general rule of thumb is that the tree should be at least 6 inches shorter than the ceiling. Then, decide on the width of the tree. A slimmer tree may be better suited for a smaller space, while a wider tree can fill a larger area more generously.

Light It Up

Next, it’s time to think about the lighting. Pre-lit trees come with various types and numbers of lights, and you’ll want to choose the one that suits your needs best. The most common types of lights are incandescent and LED. Incandescent lights are traditional and give off a warm and cozy glow, while LED lights are more energy-efficient and have a brighter, cooler light. Some pre-lit trees come with both types of lights, giving you the best of both worlds. As for the number of lights, a general rule is 100 lights per foot of tree height. However, this can vary depending on personal preference.

Branch Out

The branches of a pre-lit tree are just as important as the size and lighting. Look for trees with full, lush branches that can hold ornaments and decorations well. Also, consider the type of foliage. There are two main types: PVC and PE. PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is the more affordable and common type of foliage. It’s also more prone to looking artificial and may have less texture. On the other hand, PE (polyethylene) foliage is softer and more realistic-looking, but also more expensive.

Setup and Storage

Lastly, consider the setup and storage of your pre-lit tree. Some trees come with hinged branches that make assembly easier, while others have individual branches that need to be inserted one by one. Look for trees with sturdy stands that can keep the tree upright and stable. Also, consider the dimensions of the tree box for storage. If you have limited storage space, it’s best to choose a tree that can be disassembled and stored in a smaller box.

In Conclusion

There you have it – a guide to choosing the perfect pre-lit Christmas tree for your home. Remember to consider the size, lighting, branches, and setup/storage when browsing for your tree. And most importantly, have fun with it! Decorating the tree is one of the most magical events of the holiday season, and the right pre-lit tree can make all the difference.